
Start your crypto journey on the right foot with Ledger.com/start. Explore essential tools and resources to protect your investments from day one.

Ledger.com/start refers to a web page associated with the initial setup and onboarding process for Ledger hardware wallets. When you’re getting started with a Ledger device, such as the Nano S or Nano X, you typically visit the official Ledger website and follow the instructions provided on the ledger.com/start page.

Safety of using Ledger:

  1. Ledger’s Hardware Wallets: The actual Ledger wallets themselves were not affected by the data breach that occurred in July 2020. Approximately 272,000 Ledger customers were impacted by the breach, but the wallets’ software inside the hardware remained uncompromised. However, shipping information required for purchasing Ledger products was stolen. This means that while your cryptocurrency assets remain secure, your personal information (such as email addresses, postal addresses, and names) could be vulnerable to social engineering attacks.

  2. Security Measures: Ledger has taken steps to improve security after the breach. They hired a new Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), conducted penetration tests, and implemented other security measures. However, it’s essential to recognize that no security can be perfect, and certification of security doesn’t guarantee absolute privacy. Ledger’s branding emphasizes security, but it’s crucial to remain vigilant against phishing scams and other social engineering tactics.

  3. Ledger’s Exemplary Track Record: In almost a decade of business and with over six million devices sold, Ledger has never experienced a hack. Their devices sign transactions offline, separate from internet-connected devices, which helps protect against malware and spyware threats.

  4. User Responsibility: While Ledger provides robust security, users must also exercise caution. Always verify the legitimacy of communications, avoid sharing sensitive information, and stay informed about potential risks.

In summary, Ledger is generally considered safe due to its security features, independent audits, and track record. However, like any wallet, it’s essential to be aware of security risks and take necessary precautions7

Last updated